Cannabinoids are Tricky to Work With

Donna Wamsley brings an interesting perspective to the cannabis industry as she is close to becoming a certified flavorist, and there are only 200 certified flavorists in the world.

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This week, Donna Wamsley, Director of Research and Analytics at SōRSE Technology, discusses her role at one of the leading emulsion technologists in the industry, as well as the many difficulties in working with cannabinoids in the food and beverage industry.

Cannabinoids (like THC and CBD) offer a sensory experience that can vary. Dosage control is difficult to make reliable and repeatable, as well as onset and duration, which presents challenges for edible and infused-beverage manufacturing and labeling.

Wamsley brings an interesting perspective to the industry as she is close to becoming a certified flavorist -- there are only 200 certified flavorists in the world.

SōRSE’s technology allows products to be produced for a better, more consistent experience. It is a water-soluble formula that limits sensory properties like taste, odor, and texture, which is a major step up from the oily brown emulsions familiar in the industry.

The Cannabis Equipment News Podcast is an interview series with growers, processors, manufacturers, distributors and other professionals who work within the legal cannabis industry.

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