Midwest Roots has completed its 65,000 square foot facility to begin production on a variety of cannabis concentrates for Missouri medical cannabis patients.
"Our goal is to produce the highest quality medicinal cannabis products for the medical patients in the state of Missouri. This is a very personal issue to me based on the relief I saw my mother receive from cannabis as she fought her battle with terminal cancer. Our goal is to alleviate the suffering of those that are facing the same struggle as my mother," says Chris Klein, President, Midwest Roots
MidWest Roots has successfully passed its inception inspection and then, upon licensure, will begin production as soon as adequate supplies of raw materials are secured.
"Scientific Solutions, Inc. provided processing and process support equipment from a number of vendors, including Across International, Apex, Edwards, Julabo, Pope Scientific, and PBS Industries," says John Cantril, CEO, Scientific Solutions. "Our goal was to help Midwest Roots turn their vision in to a productive and profitable facility in compliance will all best practices and legal regulations."
According to Cantril, Midwest Roots selected top flight equipment to produce pure medicinal cannabis products in a safe and hygienic facility.
Midwest Roots wants to produce the highest quality medicinal cannabis products for the medical patients in the state of Missouri.Midwest Roots