Green Check Verified Integrates with Cannabis ERP Platform Canix

This integration allows cannabis-related businesses and users to quickly begin syncing sales from Canix.

This integration allows cannabis-related businesses and users to quickly begin syncing sales from Canix.
This integration allows cannabis-related businesses and users to quickly begin syncing sales from Canix.

Green Check Verified (GCV), the fintech provider of compliant cannabis banking solutions and services, is integrating with Canix, a seed-to-sale enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution. Canix serves both large commercial operations and single owner operators, and maintains more than 2,000 cannabis licenses on its platform. This integration will enable GCV’s partners to sync sales with Canix while enhancing their data visualization capabilities. 

This integration allows cannabis-related businesses and users to quickly begin syncing sales from Canix, while also mirroring product, price, and total order info so there’s no manually uploading or tracking sales in disparate systems. It also ensures that wholesale orders integrate into GCV’s system once transactions are complete, and provides visualization on sales order ID to allow for total cross-referencing of payment details. 

“Over the past year GCV has seen significant market adoption and engagement from both the financial services and legal cannabis communities, and this is an important step in our evolution,” said Kevin Hart, CEO of Green Check Verified. “Green Check Verified continues to look for ways of bringing more complete and comprehensive solutions for our CRB partners, and we believe that this integration with Canix truly is a value-added combination.”

“Cannabis operators have unfortunately always struggled for access to necessary financial services, us included,” said Stacey Hronowski, Co-Founder and CEO of Canix. “Green Check Verified is helping to change that. This integration will help provide our users tools to run a more prosperous business.”

In addition to providing consistent data across the platform, the integration provides visualization on sales order IDs to better allow for cross-referencing of payment details, while enabling support for multiple payments out of the box. There is no need to export data, and once users are synced with the two platforms, they will have total visibility and up-to the minute data analysis that ensures compliance within specific financial institutions. Users will also be able to have their Canix Wholesale orders flow directly into Green Check Verified upon completion, eliminating the need to wait for manual uploads or nightly data-dumps.

Green Check Verified counts over 100 U.S. banks and credit unions as partners, and over the past year, has widened its ability to give financial institutions their own solutions for building cannabis products and service offerings.

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