Bia Diagnostics, an ISO 17025 accredited laboratory, is one of the first analytical labs in the state of Vermont to be licensed for adult use cannabis, and is currently accepting samples.
The company joins Steep Hill, a cannabis analytical testing lab that expanded into Vermont through a licensee partner. Testing labs are getting established in Vermont ahead of the state's start to adult-use recreational retail sales, expected to begin in the fall of 2022.
Bia Diagnostics said it was the first laboratory to be certified by the Vermont Hemp Program and Cannabis Quality Control Program to conduct compliance testing on hemp, hemp products and hemp infused products. They also said they were the first laboratory in the state of Vermont to be ISO/IEC 17025 accredited for cannabis testing.
In addition, Bia Diagnostics is accredited to the Americans for Safe Access Cannabis standard, and participates in the AOAC Cannabis Analytical Sciences Program, ensuring the most up to date testing methodologies are used.