LAS VEGAS — Pursuant to Nevada cannabis compliance regulations, the Nevada Cannabis Compliance Board on Friday called an emergency telephone board meeting to consider the summary suspension of the medical and adult-use cultivation and production licenses held by NLVG LLC.
Board members present voted unanimously to summarily suspend NLVG, located in North Las Vegas, effective immediately, citing a present threat to public health and safety.
While investigating a complaint, board agents found cannabis plants and packages untagged or improperly tagged and not tracked in the state’s seed-to-sale tracking system, Metrc. Board agents also found that cannabis which initially failed the required testing was retested and/or sent to production without the CCB’s approval. Agents further found that NLVG adjusted the weight of cannabis batches after testing, which was transferred to dispensaries.
Board agents cited other significant deficiencies at the facility. This resulted in Public Health and Safety Bulletin 2022-01 issued by the CCB on March 4. NLVG LLC is required to submit a plan of correction to the CCB for approval in order to lift the order and shall not resume operations until the CCB has confirmed the deficiencies identified in the order have been corrected.
This is the first summary suspension issued by the CCB in 2022.