Vapor Cartridge Technology LLC, based in Stillwater, Minnesota, has invented and patented a process for extracting the essential oils/resins from botanical plants (e.g., cannabis) and an FDA approvable device for delivering a pure and exact dose of the extracted oils/resins as a consistently reliable precise inhalable vapor.
It promises to be the most cost-efficient manner to deliver cannabinoid vapors as measured by $/mg/ml of cannabinoids in the bloodstream. It can provide the dose control, formulation control and purity assurance of inhaled botanical vapors required of an FDA approved drug.
"Once commercialized, The Vapor Cartridge Technology will quickly become the medical standard for ingesting cannabinoid drugs in vapor form" a company spokesperson said.
Vapor Cartridge Technology LLC is currently seeking licensing opportunities for their new technology and have launched data rich website. The website contains a detailed explanation of the science behind the technology, a competitive analysis, the benefits of the technology, the patent portfolio, potential licensees and a way to contact the company.