No Alcohol Sales in Connecticut on Christmas Day, But Cannabis Is a Go

Hours change for the holidays due to state law.

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Connecticut's Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) today reminded residents that, due to state law, hours for some liquor permittees change during holidays.

For example, package [liquor] stores must remain closed on Christmas and New Year's Day. Grocery stores can't sell beer on either day, and wineries, breweries, and distilleries are prohibited from selling carryout liquor.

Permit holders that serve food can still sell alcohol for on-premise consumption on Christmas Day. Regular hours remain the same; however, premises may stay open an extra hour on New Year's Eve evening until 3 a.m. the following day. Some municipalities may have stricter zoning rules that further prohibit both off- and on-premise sales on both days.

However, according to the DCP, hours for cannabis licensees remain unaffected—and if you choose to gamble, you can do that too.

The DCP recently released November sales figures for adult-use cannabis and medical marijuana. According to preliminary data, combined sales nearly totaled $26 million for the month. The $15.37 million in adult-use retail sales was the state's high-water mark for 2023 thus far. The $10.3 million in medical marijuana sales last month was a slight uptick from October ($10.1 million), which experienced the poorest sales performance of the year so far.

"Every year we remind consumers and businesses that, due to Connecticut law, hours for some liquor permittees change during the holidays. If you choose to consume alcohol with your holiday celebrations, be sure to make those purchases ahead of time, and, of course, please drink responsibly," says DCP Commissioner Bryan Cafferelli in a statement. "Connecticut Law does not prohibit the sale of cannabis or limit your ability to place wagers during the holidays. No matter how you choose to spend the holidays, please know your limit, arrange designated drivers and be respectful of the establishments and communities where you celebrate."

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