Boveda Backs International Quality Standards for Cannabis Packaging

ICQSA pursues best practices for humidity control, packaging and labeling, finished product testing, and more.

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Boveda today announced its support for the International Cannabis Quality Standards Association (ICQSA). This organization of global cannabis experts provides guidance to authorities, governments, regulators, and producers on critical cannabis industry issues, including cultivation, post-harvest practices, humidity control, packaging and labeling, finished product testing, and more.

ICQSA embraces the challenges of the emerging cannabis industry to secure the advantages of system-wide quality standards, cannabis product safety, production efficiency, and an extraordinary consumer and patient experience.

β€œIt is imperative that stakeholders come together to form cohesive cannabis guidelines and standards for this industry,” said ICQSA founder and cannabis quality assurance expert, Atiyyah Ferouz. β€œThe ICQSA serves as a platform for the international cannabis community to work collaboratively, exchange knowledge, and develop best practice guides that address the unique challenges associated with this plant.”

β€œFortifying cannabis quality best practices around the world is paramount to long-term industry success. The dedication and experience of the ICQSA in advancing cannabis quality assurance mechanisms, such as water activity control, legitimizes the industry as a whole,” said Claire Erickson, Industry Programs Manager at Boveda.

By developing cannabis best practice guides and standards across the cannabis supply chain, ICQSA builds trust and credibility among consumers, regulators, and the global cannabis community, paving the way for a thriving and regulated global cannabis supply chain.

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