Trimera Health Offers Medical Marijuana to Treat Patients with PTSD

The Texas Compassionate Use (TCUP) Act was enacted in 2015, granting Texans the first legal use of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) marijuana products.

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Trimera Health is offering psychiatric treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) patients using marijuana, or cannabis, and building an uplifting image of medical marijuana treatment in Texas. Dr. Rebecca Maxwell is an integrative psychiatrist offering holistic and innovative approaches to treating PTSD and other mental health issues. As the founder of Trimera Health, Dr. Maxwell is advancing the treatments for psychiatric disorders and now administers medical marijuana to patients who have PTSD.

The Texas Compassionate Use (TCUP) Act was enacted in 2015, granting Texans the first legal use of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) marijuana products, solely in edible form, for patients with intractable epilepsy. Since then, the act has expanded its list of eligible patients to those with autism, cancer, and seizure disorders. In recent years, medical marijuana has played a critical role in treating PTSD since TCUP's enactment. 

"Medical cannabis may benefit patients with PTSD by alleviating the common symptoms of anxiety, insomnia, and nightmares," said Maxwell. "My patients have been wary of 'pot docs,' who spend five minutes with you and do not offer a follow-up treatment plan. That's not practicing medicine. Many of them are not prescribing within their specialty. PTSD and mental health disorders should be treated by a psychiatric physician."

"The patient's cannabis is grown right here in Texas and is regulated under strict quality controls," said Michael James, Trimera Health's director of medical cannabis operations, "It's a great thing to finally offer this treatment modality to Texans after a majority of the country has been utilizing medical cannabis for over a decade."

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