Licensed Cannabis Businesses See More Break-Ins, Fraud

Criminal activity is on the rise around dispensaries.

The Cannabis Regulatory Agency (CRA) in Michigan has warned licensed marijuana businesses about increases in criminal activity.

The CRA said there has been an uptick in break-ins, fraud or attempted fraud during the months of April and May this year.

This includes individuals breaking into secured trash receptacles and taking items, and individuals breaking into cannabis sales locations.

The CRA said the breaking-and-entry incidents typically involve multiple individuals taking “whatever they can find in a short amount of time.”

The agency also warned of fraud including individuals posing as CRA inspectors to gain information about security staffing and protocols.

Attempted fraud also includes posing as an owner and asking employees to remove money, then meet with them or someone else to drop the money off.

Marijuana licensees are encouraged to have their staff verify the validity of a call or text before acting in response to unusual requests.

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