Hemco's UniFlow FM Fume Hoods are designed for operations in which a tall apparatus is used, or large diameter equipment is rolled into the work area.
UniFlow FM Fume Hoods from Hemco are designed for synthesis, distillation and other reactor or rack-type operations in which a tall apparatus is used, or large diameter equipment is rolled into the work area.
Features include:
- A 70” viewing height for ease of access and unobstructed view of fume chamber. Chamber sizes with a 77” height.
- Widths available in 48”, 60”, 72”, 96” and 120”.
- Depths available in 30”, 36” and 48”.
- A double wall construction with an angled picture frame opening with either double vertical side sashes or horizontal sliding glass doors, depending on the size.
- A removable upper front panel allows access to ducting connections and electrical services from a single point electrical box, 115V 60Hz AC operation.
- A varaflow baffle system that maintains a uniform airflow to the bell-shaped exhaust collar.
- Vapor-proof or explosion proof lighting.
- A selection of plumbing and electrical services are available.
- Modular construction and the ability to be shipped disassembled for on-site assembly.
For more information, visit https://www.hemcocorp.com/fmfh.html.