Former Decathlete Sentenced in Cannabis Vape Fraud Case

He spent the money on a house, travel, jewelry, horses and a birthday party for his daughter.

David Joseph Bunevacz, a former decathlete who competed with the Philippines national team, has been sentenced in a cannabis vape pen fraud case.

According to ABC News, he was ordered to serve 17 and a half years in federal prison after pleading guilty to securities fraud and wire fraud.

Bunevacz created multiple businesses purported to be involved in selling cannabis vape pens and raised millions from multiple investors.

But instead of putting that money into growing his businesses, he spent it on a lavish lifestyle.

According to the report, he spent the money on a house, travel, jewelry, horses and a birthday party for his daughter.

A U.S. District Judge presiding over the case said Bunevacz โ€œpreyed on individuals who believed he was their friend.โ€

In addition to his prison sentence, Bunevacz was ordered to pay $35.2 million in restitution.

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