Germany Outlines Plans for Cannabis Legalization

Under the newly proposed regulations, adults will be allowed to possess up to 25 grams of cannabis.

Germany has released a draft bill outlining its two-pillar plans for cannabis legalization.

The country’s proposed new rules cover cannabis possession, home-grown cannabis and the establishment of cannabis growers’ associations.

Under the newly proposed regulations, adults will be allowed to possess up to 25 grams of cannabis.

They will also be permitted to grow a total of up to three cannabis plants at the same time for personal consumption or industrial hemp plants for non-commercial use.

Cannabis growing would also be permitted in non-commercial, communal settings like cultivation clubs.

Germany is also introducing several rules meant to safeguard children from potential harm from cannabis consumption.

The country is setting THC limits, requiring warning labels on packaging, and restricting cannabis use and cultivation near schools, daycares, playgrounds and other youth facilities.

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