Brian Fitzpatrick: Cannabis Consumers Should Be Able to Trust That Products Are Safe

Consumers believe that if a product is on the shelf, it's safe, but Brian Fitzpatrick says that just isn't the case in cannabis.

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Cannabis is an industry with bad apples, but not of bad apples, and Brian Fitzpatrick, CEO of compliance platform Qredible, says new regulatory technology can help standardize and control all members of the supply chain, providing transparency throughout the ecosystem.

Because of protections built into other industries, like food and pharma, cannabis consumers have a general understanding that if a product is on the shelf, it's safe. However, due to a lack of federal oversight, Fitzpatrick says that just isn't the case in cannabis.

Qredible's platform is designed to connect the entire cannabis supply chain through efficient and profitable commerce while providing a trustworthy and transparent information repository for all involved, including growers, manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, retailers and customers.

Fitzpatrick jokes that he wants to use Qredible to take all the business away from attorneys by using blockchain technology and AI to keep cannabis consumers safe and operators compliant.

Coming off the heels of recent recalls in Washington for DDE, a derivative of a cancer-causing pesticide banned in 1972, he hopes the platform can protect consumers at risk of ingesting harmful substances.

In this episode, Fitzpatrick also discusses:

  • How blockchain tech can keep cannabis consumers safe.
  • Solutions to combat the more than 1,500 illegal dispensaries in New York.
  • How AI can be used to help keep cannabis operators compliant.
  • Problems with lab shopping, and the two-lab rule. 

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